A Good Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You Escape Illegal Police Extortion In Mexico

A Good Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You Escape Illegal Police Extortion In Mexico

Every country has a police force whose role is to maintain law and order, safeguard the lives and property of citizens, and crack down on petty and violent crime. However, just like all other institutions, the police force is also likely to have officers who engage in corrupt acts while on duty. While their actions…

Do You Need ACriminal Defense Lawyer If You’re Not The Guilty Party?

Do You Need ACriminal Defense Lawyer If You’re Not The Guilty Party?

It often happens that people are wrongfully convicted of a crime. If you are arrested on suspicion of committing a crime that you did not commit, you may think that cooperating with the police and answering all their questions as truthfully as you can is the best recourse. However, this is unfortunately not the case. Whether…

Why You Should Always Have A Criminal Defense Lawyer Present During Police Interrogation In Mexico

Why You Should Always Have A Criminal Defense Lawyer Present During Police Interrogation In Mexico

Being convicted of a crime is a frightening experience even for people. Everyone should be well aware that they have the right to ask for a criminal defense lawyer to be present during police questioning. While the police may ask you to talk, you would be well within your rights to refuse to answer any of…

Do You Need A Criminal Defense Lawyer To Be Released On Bail In Tijuana, Mexico?

Do You Need A Criminal Defense Lawyer To Be Released On Bail In Tijuana, Mexico?

The Mexican government has partnered with the US government to crack down on the high influx of illegal guns and drugs. As a result, many unsuspecting visitors from the US get arrested on criminal charges while visiting Mexico. Here’s all you need to know about the legal system of Mexico and whether or not you should hire…

Policing Errors You Should Be Able to Identify During an Arrest

Policing Errors You Should Be Able to Identify During an Arrest

Law enforcement personnel are required to follow a set of rules and regulations when making an arrest. Sometimes, they tend to use force during detention. Instances like these are not allowed in Mexican law and can lead to the successful release of the detained person. If you think that you’ve been wrongfully arrested, hire a…

Drug Possession vs. Intent to Sell: Top Differences

Drug Possession vs. Intent to Sell: Top Differences

Tijuana, Mexico has strict anti-drug policies. Possession of drugs more than the allowed limit results in serious penalties and fines. There is, however, another type of drug offense that can lead to even more severe prosecution:  intent to sell. Possessing a controlled drug like weed, marijuana, or cocaine and selling it is a serious Federal…

Consequences of Carrying Cannabis in a Drug-Free Zone in Tijuana

Consequences of Carrying Cannabis in a Drug-Free Zone in Tijuana

2021 has been a significant year for cannabis users in Mexico. The government, coupled with the justice system, eased bans on drugs possession and usage. They also released a new set of rules and regulations related to medical marijuana. The government is working efficiently to make medical cannabis available in the market as the Supreme…

Does your Nationality or Being Foreign National Status Affect Your Current Charges in Mexico?

Does your Nationality or Being Foreign National Status Affect Your Current Charges in Mexico?

After India and China, Mexico is the third-largest emigration country. The Mexico-US border sees a high influx of travelers and immigrants every day. Moreover, migrants from the country generate more than 22.8 Billion USD worth of remittances per year. While immigration is politically, economically, and culturally quite beneficial for a country’s growth, it increases the…

Border Crossing Accidents in Mexico and How to Avoid Them

Border Crossing Accidents in Mexico and How to Avoid Them

Recently, Mexican authorities took an initiative to distribute over a million copies of a handbook that gave safety tips and tricks to travelers, citizens, and immigrants. The handbook contains all the legal pitfalls that must be avoided. In addition, the handbook makes it clear to travelers that they need to comply with the stringent regulations…

The Difference Between Federal and State Drug Crimes in Mexico

The Difference Between Federal and State Drug Crimes in Mexico

Drug crimes are highly stigmatized, and in a country like Mexico, where the drug crime rate is quite high, they’re punishable with hefty penalties and long-lasting prison sentences. Tijuana is the second-largest city in Mexico and it has always been subjected to a high drug crime rate. From smugglers to large cartels, this city has…