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How a Criminal Trial Can Impact Your Reputation

Being arrested for a criminal offense in Mexico comes with a hefty cost, beyond what you pay in fines and penalties. Having criminal charges for particular allegations in your background checks, regardless of the outcome, can be a detrimental factor for your credibility and reputation regardless of which country you live in.

Most people find it challenging to work with or trust people with a criminal charge. As a result, anyone with a past of conviction can expect their immigration status, trusted traveler benefits such as SENTRI and GOES, career, relationship, and life to be affected by their trial.

While assistance from a qualified criminal defense attorney can help you combat this issue, here are some ways your criminal trial can impact your reputation.

Difficulty Finding Employment

The most concrete consequence of being charged with a crime is the inability to find or qualify for a white-collar job. You may find it challenging to meet most jobs’ eligibility criteria due to your arrest charges. Furthermore, there are higher chances of you being fired from your workplace if you’re already employed in a reputable organization.

Most companies look for prospective employees with an innocent past to ensure they won’t be a potential danger to the company. Therefore, they run background checks on most applicants and reject anyone with a tag of a criminal past, which may include criminal records from Mexico or any other country.

a man seeking legal counsel

While it can be a struggle to earn an income after being arrested, your criminal defense attorney can help you eradicate conviction from your documents. Although, this process can take a while to complete.

Cancellation of Driver’s License

When you’re charged with a driving-related crime, you can expect the state to revoke or cancel your driver’s license. These crimes can include personal injury, minor violation of traffic rules, or driving under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating components.

You might have to spend some time in jail, depending on the crime’s extent. Your criminal defense lawyer can help you escape a driving-related conviction. Therefore, it’s better to appoint an attorney with plenty of experience and expertise for handling such cases.

Facing Consequences in the U.S.

People who have a green card in the U.S. can face consequences as the Mexican Criminal Record will be show up and make them ineligible for citizenship in the U.S. Similarly, U.S. citizens may have a traveling alert on their name if their attorney doesn’t handle the case properly. For example: if you get the U.S. embassy involved when you get detained, they’ll report it to the U.S. authorities and place an alert for when you cross back to the U.S., etc.


At Meneses Legal, our criminal defense lawyer, Fabian Meneses, prioritizes your reputation and community standing with paramount importance. We aim to make every effort to defend you and uphold your standing in society. With over 40 years of experience, we examine every criminal case through concrete evidence and go the extra mile to discover the prosecution case’s loopholes, inconsistencies, and weaknesses. Reach out to our criminal attorneys in Tijuana, Mexico, to seek solid legal counsel for your case today!

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