A man with a gun in his pocket

Tijuana, Baja California, Homicide Laws—What You Need to Know

An efficient criminal justice system ensures that the investigations, judgments, and the final verdicts revolving homicide cases are carried out impartially across the country. It imposesdemanding investigation and fair settlement of alleged homicide lawbreakers, conversely affecting the homicide crime rate.

Tijuana is considered the top-most dangerous city in Mexico due to the presence of highly organized criminal groups such as Sinaloa Cartel and Jalisco, among many others. These cartels are involved in illegal drug trade, sex crimes, and inter-group battles due to constant fragmentation and re-alliance.

Dynamics of Homicide Violence in Mexico

Situated on the Mexico-USA border, Tijuana is the second largest city in Mexico. It has been a rewarding city for all kinds of criminals including sexual assaulters, drug traders, and murderers.

The unimaginably high rate of drug crime has translated into drug dealers killing each other at street corners and inside their homes. Statistics show that the homicide rate in Mexico has risen by 2.4% in the last quarter of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019.

Contact a professional Tijuana homicide criminal defense attorney like Fabian Meneses as soon as you’re arrested with homicide charges in Tijuana. Your defense attorney will help you understand your rights in order to build a strong defense for your case.

Handcuffs placed over a paper with fingerprints

Taking into accountthe trends and latest developments in the homicide crime rate of Mexico, you must know the following California Baja Laws governing homicide arrests and proceedings in Tijuana:


  1. The Mexican law enforcement system can arrest both citizens and foreigners for an accused homicide crime within Tijuana’s territory.
  2. Homicide is considered a State-levelcrime, meaning after an arrest, you will be turned to the State judicial court system.
  3. After an arrest, the accused is entitled to seek legal help from a professional criminal defense attorney in Tijuana.
  4. Under the law, pre-trial mandatory detention is exceptional and is ordered in serious crime cases only, homicide being one of them.

Punishment for Homicide under Baja California Penal Code

Baja California Penal Code castigates homicide committers with up to 60 years in jail. The State prosecutor has a predisposition of filing custodies for serious murders,giving them a minimum of thirty years.

While there are many instances wherein homicide is a result of self-defense, many times the homicide arises as a result of a fight or simply out of self-defense.  Therefore, you need professional legal assistance to make a strong case.

Looking for an Adept Criminal Defense Lawyer in Tijuana? Reach out to Lead Attorney Fabian Meneses Today

Hiring the right Homicide crimes attorney in Tijuana could make or break your case.

Reach out to Attorney Fabian Meneses at Meneses Legal to seek proficient guidance and legal counsel when accused of a crime. Call our criminal defense lawyers at (664)500-6896 in Tijuana or (619)777-8627 in San Diego to seek further assistance today!

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