A suited, professional criminal lawyer

Reasons to Choose a Criminal Lawyer

The Mexican criminal law system is comprehensive and has been established and modified to help residents stay safe across the country.

If you’re facing federal or state level criminal charges in Tijuana, Mexico, you need to take immediate measures to stop your case from going to trial. A criminal defense lawyer can help you understand the country’s law and act accordingly depending on the nature of your charges.

A criminal defense lawyer is aware of the ins and outs of different types of criminal charges. This allows them to determine, identify, and strategize the plan of action in your favor.

Here’s why you need to hire a criminal defense lawyer in Tijuana, Mexico.

Knows the Complexities of the Judicial System

Under the Mexican law, there are different types of crimes, both state and federal level offenses. These offenses include trafficking, homicide, violence against women, tax theft, drug offense, etc.

Moreover, if you’re arrested for an alleged federal crime, the federal police and court will handle your case, which can complicate things to a greater level.

Mexico’s judicial system has gone under complete reform. To make it more inclusive and fair, trials must now be held publically—which is quite daunting as is.

After an arrest, you’re entitled to seek legal representation from an experienced criminal defense lawyer such as Fabian Meneses. Fabian and his team of criminal defense lawyers can guide you on the intricacies of your case.

Keeps Due Diligence in Mind

A good criminal lawyer never compromises on due diligence or court procedures, ignoring which can land in more trouble. There’s a lot of paperwork involved when you’re trying to prepare a defense system for court. Having an adept criminal lawyer onboard can help you stay on top of deadlines, paperwork requirements, legal due diligence, and other legal hurdles.

A criminal lawyer handling case documents

Criminal cases are far more complicated than other types of legal issues.

Hiring a professional criminal lawyer in Tijuana sends a message to your prosecutor that they’re up against a competent lawyer. This can increase your chance of winning the plea bargain.

On Good Terms with The Prosecutors

Having worked in the legal field for several years, criminal defense lawyers may develop good relationships with prosecutors, which can help your lawyer strategize in your favor.

Such relationships can help you win plea bargains by allowing your lawyer to negotiate affordable bonds or perhaps even more flexible plea terms. Moreover, a criminal lawyer with good rapport and experience uses all kinds of tactics they’ve learned along the way.

In addition, here are some other factors that’ll convince you seek legal assistance in Tijuana in case of an arrest:

  • A criminal defense lawyer is adept in reviewing evidence and pointing out possibilities of tempered or illegally gathered evidence against you.
  • Though a criminal defense lawyer might seem expensive at first, but they actually help you save up a lot by reducing the time and effort required to navigate your case through the system.
  • A criminal defense lawyer has the expertise to build a strong defense and perhaps even get the charges dismissed.

Hire Trustworthy Criminal Lawyers in Tijuana, Mexico

At Meneses Legal, we have an experienced team of state and federal criminal lawyers in Tijana, Mexico onboard. With over 40 years of industry experience, we work assiduously to help you achieve favorable results in your case. Whether you’re looking for a bilingual criminal defense attorney or a violent crime attorney, look no further than Fabian Meneses at Meneses Legal.

Call us at (664)500-6896 in Tijuana or (619)777-8627 in San Diego. We are here to help!

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