A person holding a Glock pistol in their hand

What to Ask a Gun Crimes Attorney if You’re Charged with Firearms Possession in Tijuana

Have you ever wondered why Mexico has one of the highest yearly gun death tolls of any country despite having some of the toughest gun laws in the world? One of the main reasons pertains to the flow of guns from the United States into Mexico. Unfortunately, American firearms are used in countless homicides committed by Mexican cartels—which is why unlawful firearms possession can land you in serious trouble in Mexico.

If you’re charged with firearms possession in a city like Tijuana, we recommend reaching out to a firearms violations defense attorney immediately. But what questions should you ask them to ensure you get the most favorable outcome possible?

Here are four questions worth asking a gun crimes attorney if you’re charged with firearms possession in Tijuana.

1. “What Penalties Am I Liable For?”

A person loading a gun

One of the first things to ask a gun crimes attorney if you’re charged with firearms possession in Mexico is what sort of penalties you’ll be liable for. The best Mexico criminal defense lawyers will advise you of the penalties you could face for firearms possession based on a thorough understanding of Mexico’s Federal Penal Code. They’ll also give you an overview of whether the charges against you can be reduced or overturned based on the facts of your case.

For instance, Article 160 of Mexico’s Federal Penal Code states that anyone carrying a weapon designed solely to harm people will face up to 3 years in jail and a fine worth up to a year of their salary. The exact penalty depends on the severity of the charge—and the only way to ascertain this is by asking a criminal defense lawyer!

2. “How Can I Help You Build the Best Defense Possible?”

It’s tempting to call a gun crimes attorney and let them take the reins if you’re charged with firearms possession in Mexico. But why play such a passive role in your case when you can offer your help to the criminal defense lawyers representing you?

If you’re struggling to determine how to help the firearms crimes attorney defend you in court, the simplest thing to do is to ask! They’ll advise you on what you should and shouldn’t say/do to ensure you get the most favorable outcome possible. With that said, if you ask the gun crimes attorney how you can help and they tell you, it’s vital to follow their advice—even if it’s counterintuitive.

For instance, if they ask you to plea a certain way or make certain admissions in court, do it. Why? Because it’s likely their advice is backed by substantial experience helping clients in your position in the past. Additionally, their advice will be based on a strong understanding of Mexico’s laws on firearms possession.

3. “How Will My Life Be Impacted in the Long Run If the Firearms Possession Charges Against Me Are Confirmed?”

If you’ve called a gun crimes attorney to help defend you in a firearms possession case, you can rest assured they’ll do everything they can to reduce or eliminate the charges against you. However, there’s always the possibility that the charges will be confirmed despite the best efforts of the firearms crimes attorney you’ve hired. Therefore, it’s important to ask them how your life will be impacted in the long run if the firearms possession charges against you aren’t overturned.

For instance, employers are allowed to use criminal records when making hiring decisions, and people with criminal records tend to face substantial difficulties securing loans on good terms for important purchases like homes. However, the extent to which a firearms possession charge impacts your ability to land jobs and loans depends on the severity of the crime. A firearms defense attorney will tell you these types of things with complete honesty, so you know how your life will pan out in the long run following a firearms possession charge.

If you’re seeking a gun crimes attorney in Tijuana with an excellent track record, look no further than Meneses Legal. We have over forty years of collective experience defending clients facing numerous charges for things like homicide, sex crime, and contraband smuggling. We also provide legal assistance to clients charged with various drug crimes, including drug possession and intention to sell.

We’re ready to answer all your questions on firearms possession charges with utmost professionalism. Simply drop us a message on our website, and one of our criminal defense lawyers will get back to you as soon as possible.

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